Waismann, Friedrich
Introduction to mathematical thinking
Harper Torchbooks, New York 1959.
[ WAISMANN [1] ] Foreword by Karl Menger. Stron x + 260. Tytuł oryg. niem. Einführung in das mathematische Denken.
Walker, Jeremy D. B.
A study of Frege
Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1965.
Wang, Hao
What is an individual?
"The Philosophical Review" 62 (1953), s. 413-420.
Krytyka nominalizmu Quine'a i Goodmana (chodzi głównie o The structure of appearance): pojęcie indywiduum (nie-klasy) u Goodmana jest niejasne, a w tej sytuacji dyskusja nominalizm vs. antynominalizm nie ma większego sensu; także Quine'a kryterium "of using the values of variables to decide the ontological commitment of a theory" nie jest "fruitful" (s. 413). Co do Goodmana, Wang po bardzo szczegółowej analizie dochodzi do wniosku, że Goodman właściwie odrzuca nieskończoność i jego pozycję można by równie dobrze określiać jako finityzm (no-infinity theory, finitism), który zresztą jest nie do utrzymania choćby dlatego, że obcina naajciekawsze części matematyki.
The formalization of mathematics
"Journal of Symbolic Logic" 19 (1954), s. 241-266.
On formalization
"Mind" 64 (1955), s. 226-238.
Eighty years of foundational studies
"Dialectica" 12 (1958), s. 466–497.
Process and existence in mathematics
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 328-351.
[ F ]
A survey of mathematical logic
Science Press, Peking, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1963
From mathematics to philosophy
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1974.
[ [2], [131], WANG 1974 | F ]
Warnock, Geoffrey James
English philosophy since 1900
Oxord University Press, Oxford 1958.
Wavre, Rolin
Les Congrès Internationaux de mathématiciens
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 298-303.
[ WAVRE [1] ]
Weil, André
L'avenir des mathématiques
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[ F ]
Poincaré et l'arithmétiqiue
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History of mathematics: why and how
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[ F ]
Weiner, Joan
The philosopher behind the last logicist
W: Frege: tradition and influence, Crispin Wright (ed.), Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1984, s. 57-79. Także w: The philosophy of Frege, a collection of essay in four volumes, edited by Hans Sluga, Garland Publishing, New York 1993, vol. 2, s. 269-292.
Frege in perspective
Cornell University Press. New York 1990.
Oxford University Press, 1999.
Weitz, Morris
Analytic statements
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Wells, Rulon S.
Is Frege's concept of function valid?
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Także w: Essays on Frege, edited by E. D. Klemke, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, London 1968, s. 391-406.
Frege's ontology
"The Review of Metaphysics", 4 (1951), s.537-573.
Także w: Essays on Frege, edited by E. D. Klemke, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, London 1968.
Wette, Eduard
Von operativen Modellen der axiomatischen Mengenlehre
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 266-277.
[ ^ ]
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Über die neue Grundlagenkrise der Mathematik
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Die heutige Erkenntnislage in der Mathematik
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Philosophy of mathematics and natural science
Princeton University Press, Princeton 1949.
[ WEYL [1], [134] | pF (1-66, 219-236 - Appendix A, "Structure of mathematics") | x (67-218, 237+) ] Oryg. Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft, Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1927.
David Hilbert and his mathematical work
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Wheeler, John A.
Curved empty space-time as the building material of the physical world: a assessment
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science 1962, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress. Edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 361-374.
White, Morton
On the Church-Frege solution of the paradox of analysis
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Whitehead, Alfred North
A treatise on universal algebra
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1898.
On mathematical concepts of the material world
"Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London", Series A, 205 (1906), s. 465-525.
The axioms of projective geometry
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1906.
The axioms of descriptive geometry
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1907.
Introduction to mathematics
Williams and Norgate, London 1911.
Istnieje przekład polski, Wstęp do matematyki, tłum. Władysław Wojtowicz, Warszawa-Lwów 1914 [podaje się też niekiedy dane: Wydawnictwo E. Wende i Ska, Warszawa, s.d.]
The organization of thought wducational and scientific
Lippincott 1917.
[ x ]
An enquiry concerning the principles of natural knowledge
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1919.
The concept of nature
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1920.
The principle of relativity with applications to physical sciences
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1922.
Science and the modern world
Mentor, New York 1925.
Jako wydanie oryginalne cytuje się często Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1926. Było bardzo dużo re-edycji. Wydanie polskie: Alfred North Whitehead, Nauka i świat nowożytny, przekład i słowo wstępne Maciej Kozłowski i Marek Pieńkowski OP, słownik terminów filozoficznych Marek Pieńkowski OP, Wydawnictwo ZNAK Kraków 1987.
Religion in the making
Macmillan, New York 1926.
Symbolism, its meaning and effect
Macmillan, New York 1927.
Process and reality: an essay in cosmology
Macmillan, New York 1929.
The aims of education and other essays
Macmillan, New York 1929.
Function of reason
Princeton University Press, Princeton 1929.
Adventures of ideas
New American, New York 1933.
Nature and life
University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1934.
Modes of thought
Macmillan, New York 1938.
Essays in science and philosophy
Beacon Press, 1947.
The wit and wisdom of Whitehead
Philosophical Library, 1947.
Mathematics and the Good
W: The philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, drugie wydanie, s. 666-681.
Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead
(As recorded by Lucien Prize), with Introduction by Sir Ross David, Little Brown, Boston 1954.
An Antology
F. S. C. Northrop and M. W. Gross (eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1953.
Whitehead, Alfred North, Russell, Bertrand
Principia Mathematica to *56
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1964.
[ WHITEHEAD & RUSSELL 1910 ] First edition 1910 (vol. 1), 1912 (vol. 2), 1913 (vol. 3), second edition 1925 (vol. 1), 1927 (vol 2,3), reprinted 1950, 1957, 1960. Abridged as Principia Mathematica to *56, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962,reprinted 1964.
Whitrow, G. J.
Why physical space has three dimensions
"British Journal for the Philosophy of Science", 6 (1955), s. 13-31.
The natural philosophy of time
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., London and Edinburgh, 1961.
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
From Euclid to Eddington
Cambridge University Press, London 1949.
A history of modern theories of aether and electricity
London 1953.
Wiegner, Adam
Przedmioty pojęć ogólnych
"Przegląd Filozoficzny" 30 (1927), s. 211-213.
[ \ ] Nawiązanie do Czeżowskiego w kwestii uogólniania.
Wartość i znaczenie logiki tradycyjnej
"Ruch Filozoficzny" 12 (1930/31), s. 231b.
[ \ ] Autoreferat z odczytu. Nawiązanie do Łukasiewicza i jego stosunku do logiki tradycyjnej. Ton dystansu w stosunku do "logistyków".
Wien, W.
Die Bedeutung Henri Poincarés für die Physik
W: "Acta Mathematica" 38 (1921), Henri Poincaré in memoriam, herausgegeben von G. Mittag-Leffler, s. 289-291. Także w: Henri Poincaré, Oeuvres, t. 11, s. 243-246.
[ WIEN [1] ]
Wiener, Norbert
A simplification of the logic of relations
"Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society" 27 (1914), s. 387-390.
Wienpahl, Paul D.
Frege's 'Sinn und Bedeutung'
"Mind" 59 (1950), s. 483-494.
Także w Essays on Frege, edited by E. D. Klemke, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, London 1968, s. 203-218.
Wiggins, David
The sense and reference of predicates: a running repair to Frege's doctrine and a plea for the copula
"The Philosophical Quarterly" 34 (1984), s. 311-328.
Wigner, E. P. (1960). "The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences. Richard Courant lecture in mathematical sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 13: 1–14.
Wigner, Eugene
The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences
"Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics", Vol. 13, No. I (February 1960).
Richard Courant lecture in mathematical sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959.
Wilder, Raymond L.
Axiomatics and the development of creative talent
W: The axiomatic method with special reference to geometry and physics, Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26, 1957 - January 4, 1958, edited by Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes and Alfred Tarski, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 474-488.
[ F ]
Wilkosz, Witold
Znaczenie logiki matematycznej dla matematyki i innych nauk ścisłych
"Przegląd Filozoficzny" 39 (1936), s. 343-346.
[ _ | \ ] ]
Willard, Dallas
Husserl on a logic that failed
"The Philosophical Review" 89 (1980), s. 46-64.
Paper presented at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, D. C., December 1978.
Williams, James G.
On the formalization of semantic conventions
"Journal of Symbolic Logic" 55 (1990), s. 220-243.
"This paper discusses six formalization techniques, of varying strengths, for extending a formal system based on traditional mathematical logic. The purpose of these formalization techniques is to simulate the introduction of new syntactic constructs, along with associated semantics for them. We show that certain techniques (among the six) subsume others. To illustrate sharpness, we also consider a selection of constructs and show which techniques can and cannot be used to introduce them. The six studied techniques were selected on the basis of actual practice in logic and computing. They do not form an exhaustive list." (philpapers.org/s/James G. Williams)
Wilmsen, Arnold
Zur Kritik des logischen Transzendentalismus
E. Schöningh, Padderborn 1935.
Wilson, Jessica M.
Could experience disconfirm the propositions of arithmetic?
"Canadian Journal of Philosophy" 30 (2000), s. 55-84.
"Alberto Casullo ('Necessity, Certainty, and the A Priori', Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18, 1988) argues that arithmetical propositions could be disconfirmed by appeal to an invented scenario, wherein our standard counting procedures indicate that 2 + 2 = 4. Our best response to such a scenario would be, Casullo suggests, to accept the results of the counting procedures, and give up standard arithmetic. While Casullo's scenario avoids arguments against previous 'disconfirming' scenarios, it founders on the assumption, common to scenario and response, that arithmetic might be independent of standard counting procedures. Here I show, by attention to tallying as the simplest form of counting, that this assumption is incoherent: given standard counting procedures, then (on pain of irrationality) arithmetical theory follows." (philpapers.org/browse/apriority-in-mathematics).
Wilson, John Cook
Statement and inference with other philosophical papers
The clarendon Press, Oxford 1926.
Wilson, Mark
Predicate meets property
"The Philosophical Review" 91 (1982), s. 549-589.
Winance, Eleuthère
Intention and nature of Husserl's logic
"Philosophia Mathematica" 2 (1965), s. 69-85.
Paper presented at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, D. C., December 1978.
Logique, mathématique et ontologie comme 'mathesis universalis' chez Edmund Husserl
"Revue Thomiste" 66 (1966), s. 410-434.
Paper presented at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, D. C., December 1978.
Winter, Maximilien
La méthode dans la philosophie des mathématiques
F. Alcan, Paris 1911.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung
W. Ostwald (Hrsg.), "Annalen der Naturphilosophie", 14 (1921), s. 185–262.
Remarks on the foundations of mathematics
G.H. von Wright, R. Rhees and G.E.M. Anscombe (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (transl.), Blackwell, Oxford 1956.
Stron xix + 204. Revised edition 1978.
Witwicki, Władysław
O definicji
"Przegląd Filozoficzny" 12 (1909), s. 212-213.
Opis (autoreferat) odczytu na 73. posiedzeniu PTF 5 grudnia 1908.
Kazimierz Twardowski
"Przegląd Filozoficzny" 23 (1929), s. ix-xix
[ _ ]
Woleński, Jan
Filozoficzna szkoła lwowsko-warszawska
Warszawa 1985.
Recenzja z The philosophy of Frege
"Erkenntnis" 46 (1997), s. 407-410.
Re: The philosophy of Frege, edited by Hans Sluga, Garland Publishing, New York 1993.
Wolfke, Ludomir
Indukcja matematyczna i jej charakter analityczny
"Przegląd Filozoficzny" 9 (1906), s. 257-259.
[ _ ] Sąd jest analityczny iffjego zaprzeczenie zawiera w sobie sprzeczność wewnętrzną, stąd Wolfke wywodzi, że zasada indukcji matematycznej jest analityczna.
Wolniewicz, Bogusław
Semantyka Fregego
W: Gottlob Frege, Pisma semantyczne, z języka niemieckiego przełożył oraz wstępem i przypisami opatrzył Bogusław Wolniewicz, PWN, Warszawa 1977, s. vii-xxxii.
O przestrzeni logicznej
"Studia Filozoficzne" 10 (1981), s. 67-73.
Nawiązania do Fregego. Semantyka, ontologia (w sensie filozofii analitycznej).
Ontologia sytuacji
Warszawa 1985.
[ D ]
Woodger, Joseph Henry
The axiomatic method in biology
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1937.
Studies in the foundations of genetics
W: The axiomatic method, Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26, 1957 - January 4, 1958, edited by Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes and Alfred Tarski, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 408-428.
Words and objections: essays on the work of W.V. Quine
Words and objections: essays on the work of W.V. Quine
Reidel, Dirdrecht 1969.
Wright, Crispin
Recent work on Frege
"Inquiry" 26 (1983), s. 363-381.
Frege's conception of numbers as objects
Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen 1983.
Also distributed by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 1984.
Wright, Georg Henrik Von
Logical Studies
Routledge and K. Paul, London 1957.
Wundheiler, Aleksander (współautor)
Pojęcie prawdy na terenie fizyki
W: Fragmenty filozoficzne; księga pamiątkowa ku uczczeniu piętnastolecia pracy nauczycielskiej w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim profesora Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego, nakładem uczniów, Warszawa 1934, s. 97-143.
Autorzy: Edward Poznański, Aleksander Wundheiler.
Wussing, H.
Die Genesis des abstrakten Gruppenbegriffes
VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1969.
[ [135] | D ]