
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  Ł  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
E. W. Beth Memorial Colloquium
E. W. Beth Memorial Colloquium
Edited by Jean-Louis Destouches. Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland 1967.
[ DESTOUCHES 1967 | pF ] Stron viii + 137. Spis treści: Préface, by Jean-Louis Destouches. - G. H. von Wright, Memorial Adress. - J.-L. Destouches, Allocution. - A. Heyting, Remarques sur la théorie intuitionniste des espaces linéaires. - K. L. de Bouvère, Some Remarks about Synonimity and the Theorem of Beth. - J. J. F. Nieland, Beth's Tableau-Method. - Marcel Guillaume, Quelques remarques sur les "Tableaux de Beth". - Roland Fraïssé, Une hypothèse sur l'extension des relations finies et sa vérification dans certaines classes particulières (deuxième partie). - J. J. A. Mooij, La philosophie géométrique de Henri Poincaré. - J.-L. Destouches, Logique et théorie physique. - Patrick Suppes, L'argument probabiliste pour une logique non classique de la mécanique quantique. - F. Čap, Courant potentiel en magnétogasdynamique. - F. Čap, Nouvelle méthode de résolution de l'équation de Helmholtz pour une symétrie cylindrique. - Georges Bonjean, Recherche en mécanique ondulatoire non linéaire. - Katsuhiko Sekine, Problème de Cauchy dans le modèle de Lee en métrique indéfinie. - A. Heyting, Conclusions. - J. F. Staal, Bibliography of E. W. Beth.
Eaagle, Antony
Mathematics and conceptual analysis
"Synthese" 161 (2008), s. 67-88.
"Gödel argued that intuition has an important role to play in mathematical epistemology, and despite the infamy of his own position, this opinion still has much to recommend it. Intuitions and folk platitudes play a central role in philosophical enquiry too, and have recently been elevated to a central position in one project for understanding philosophical methodology: the so-called ‘Canberra Plan’. This philosophical role for intuitions suggests an analogous epistemology for some fundamental parts of mathematics, which casts a number of themes in recent philosophy of mathematics (concerning a priority and fictionalism, for example) in revealing new light." (
Easley, Jack A. Jr.
Logic and heuristic in mathematics curriculum reform
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965. Vol. 1, edited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 208-230.
[ EASLEY [1] ] Tekst s. 208-230 + Discussion, s. 231-241.
Eddington, Arthur Stanley
Space, time and gravitation: an outline of the general relativity theory
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1920.
The mathematical theory of relativity
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1923.
The nature of the physical world
Macmillan, New York 1928.
Nouveaux sentiers de la science
Traduit par P. Guénard, Hermann, Paris 1936.
The philosophy of physical science
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1939.
Fundamental theory
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1948.
Egidi, Rosaria
La consistenza filosofica della logica di Frege
"Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana", 41 (1962), s. 194-208.
Matematica, logica e filosofia nell'opera di Gottlob Frege
I. L'ideografia e i quattro scritti sull'ideografia, "Physis" 4 (1962), s 5-32, II. La revisione della filosofia kantiana dell' aritmetica, "Physis" 5 (91963), s. 129-144.
Ontologia e conoscenza matematica. Un saggio su Gottlob Frege
G. C. Sansoni, Firenze 1963.
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di filosofia dell'Università di Roma. Stron 274.
Aspetti delli crisi interna del logicismo
"Archivio di Filosofia", 66 (1966), s. 109-119.
Ehrenfest, Paul
In what way does it become manifest in the fundamental laws of physics that space has three dimensions?
"Proceedings of the Amsterdam Academy" 20 (1917), s. 200-209.
How do the fundamental laws of physics make manifest that Space has 3 dimensions?
"Annalen der Physik" 61 (1920).
Einhorn, Dawid
O jasnym i niejasnym stylu filozoficznym ze stanowiska teorii poznania i metodologii
"Ruch Filozoficzny" 5 (1919-1920), s. 71-74.
Collection Génies et Réalités, Hachette 1966.
Louis de Broglie, Louis Armand, Hilaire Cuny, Théo Kahan, François Le Lionnais, Jacques Madaule, Roger Nataf, François Russo S.J., Pierre-Henri Simon. Stron 286.
Einstein, Albert
Geometrie und Erfahrung
Springer Verlag, Berlin 1921.
Erweiterte Fassung des Festvortrages Gehalten an der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin am 27. Januar 1921.
Autobiographisches.-Autobiographical notes
W: Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp. Fourth printing, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1957 (The library of living philosophers), s. 2-95.
[ EINSTEIN [1] | F ]. Tekst dwujęzyczny, niemiecko- (strony parzyste 2-94) angielski (strony nieparzyste 3-95).
Remarks concerning the essays brought together in this co-operative volume
W: Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp. Fourth printing, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1957 (The library of living philosophers), s.665-688.
[ EINSTEIN [2] | F ]
Relativity, the special and the general theory. A popular exposition
Authorized translation by Robert W. Lawson, Methuen Co. Ltd., London 1957.
[ EINSTEIN [5], [505] ] This translation first published August 19th 1920.Reprited in 1920 (twice), 1921 (three times), 1922, 1924, 1929, 1930, 1936, 1944, 1946. Fifteenth edition, enlarged, January 1954, reprinted with minor corrections,1955. Reprinted 1957.
Comment je vois le monde
Nouvelle édition, revue et augmentée par l'auteur et traduite de l'allemand par Maurice Solovine. Flammarion, Paris 1958.
[ EINSTEIN [3] | pF (41-50)+(146-155) ] Generalnie źródłem jest Mein Weltbild, Querida (Querido?), Amsterdam, 1934, ale ostateczne źródła tekstów (oraz czy w ogóle były drukowane wcześniej) składających się na tę książkę nie są jasne. Pierwsze tłumaczenie na francuski - Flammarion, Paris 1934, na angielski (The world as I see it) - Covici, Friede, New York 1934; układ zmieniony.
Istota teorii względności
PWN, Warszawa 1962.
[ EINSTEIN [4], [504] | D ] Przekład z ang. The meaning of relativity, fifth edition, Princeton University Press 1955. Wyd. oryg. zob. nr 142 w Bibliography of the writings of Albert Einstein to may 1951, compiled by Margaret C. Shields, w: Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, fourth printing, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1957 (The library of living philosophers), s. 691-758, oraz tamże nr nr 156, 166, 167, 179, 297. Istnieje polski przekład wersji oryg. (Cztery odczyty..., 1923). Por. notkę w wyd. polskim 1962.
Einstein, Albert, Infeld, Leopold
Ewolucja fizyki. Rozwój poglądów od najdawniejszych pojęć do teorii względności i kwantów
PWN, Warszawa 1962.
[ EINSTEIN, INFELD [1] | D ] Przekł. z ang. The evolution of physics: the growth of ideas from early concepts to relativity and quants, Cambridge University Press 1947. Wyd. oryg. Simon and Schuster, New York 1938.
Eklund, Matti
The Frege–Geach problem and Kalderon's moral fictionalism
"Philosophical Quarterly" 59 (2009), s. 705-712.
"Mark Eli Kalderon has argued for a fictionalist variant of non-cognitivism. On his view, what the Frege–Geach problem shows is that standard non-cognitivism proceeds uncritically from claims about use to claims about meaning; if non-cognitivism's claims were solely about use it would be on safe ground as far as the Frege–Geach problem is concerned. I argue that Kalderon's diagnosis is mistaken: the problem concerns the non-cognitivist's account of the use of moral sentences too." (
Eldridge, Richard
Frege's realist theory of knowledge
"The Review of Metaphysics", 35 (1981-1982), March 1982, s. 483-508.
Eley, Lothar
Metakritik der formalen Logik: sinnliche Gewissheit als Horizont der Aussagenlogik und elementaren Prädikatenlogik
Martinus Nijhoff, Den Haag 1969.
Phaenomenologica 31.
Einleitung des Herausgebers
W: Edmund Husserl, Gesammelte Werke, Band XII (Lothar Eley, hrsg.), Den Haag 1970, s. xiii-xxix.
Engel, Pascal
Identité et référence: La théorie des noms propres chez Frege et Kripke
Presses de l'École normale supérieure 1985.
Enriques, Federigo
The historic development of logic
Transl. J. Rosenthal, Henry Holt & Co, New York 1929.
Erdmann, B.
Logische Elementarlehre
Niemeyer, Halle 1892.
Drugie wydanie, poprawione, Niemayer, Halle 1907.
Erdöss, Paul, Tarski, Alfred
On some problems involving inaccessible cardinals
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics Dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary. Edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 50-82.
[ = | ^ ]
Essays in honour of Jaakko Hintikka
Essays in honour of Jaakko Hintikka: on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, January 12, 1979
E. Saarinen, R. Hilpinen, I. Niinilnoto, M. Provence Hintikka (eds.), D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht 1979.
Essays on Frege
Essays on Frege
Edited by E. D. Klemke, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, London 1968.
[ Klemke ed. 1968 ]
Essays on mathematical and philosophical logic
Essays on mathematical and philosophical logic
Proceedings of the fourth scandinavian logic symposium and of the first soviet-finnish logic conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 29-July 6, 1976. Edited by Jaakko Hintikka, Ilkka Niiniluoto, and Esa Saarinen. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston-London 1979.
Essays on the foundations of mathematics
Essays on the foundations of mathematics
Dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary. Edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962.
[ ESSAYS 1962 | pN ] Stron x + 351.
Essays on Wittgenstein in Honour of G.H. von Wright
Essays on Wittgenstein in Honour of G.H. von Wright
Edited by Jaakko Hintikka, "Acta Philosophica Fennica" 28 (1976).
Essays on Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus'
Essays on Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus'
Edited by Irving M. Copi, Robert W. Beard, MacMillan, London 1966.
Evans, Ellis
Tractatus 3.1432
"Mind" 64 (1955), s. 259-260. Także w: Essays on Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus', edited by Irving M. Copi, Robert W. Beard, MacMillan, London 1966, s. 133-135.
About 'aRb'
"Mind" 68 (1959), s. 534-538.
Evans, Gareth
The causal theory of names
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 47 (1973), s. 187-208.
The varietes of reference
Ed. John McDowell, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1982.
Evans, J. L.
The meaning and verification
"Mind" 62 (1953), s. 1-19.
Eves, Howard Whitley, Newsom, Carroll V.
An introduction to the foundations and fundamental concepts of mathematics
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York 1958.
Eyraud, Henri
Le problème de l'infini. Transfinis et alephs
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 114-117.
[ EYRAUD [1] ]