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"The goal of the research programme I describe in this article is a realist epistemology for arithmetic which respects arithmetic's special epistemic status (the status usually described as a prioricity) yet accommodates naturalistic concerns by remaining fundamentally empiricist. I argue that the central claims which would allow us to develop such an epistemology are (i) that arithmetical truths are known through an examination of our arithmetical concepts; (ii) that (at least our basic) arithmetical concepts are accurate mental representations of elements of the arithmetical structure of the independent world; (iii) that (ii) obtains in virtue of the normal functioning of our sensory apparatus. The first of these claims protects arithmetic's special epistemic status relative, for example, to the laws of physics, the second preserves the independence of arithmetical truth, and the third ensures that we remain empiricists. Preliminaries Justifying and grounding concepts Cameras and filters An epistemology for arithmetic Concluding remarks" (philpapers.org/browse/epistemology-of-mathematics-misc)
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[ ~ ]
L'axiomatique et la théorie des groupes
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[ JUVET [1] ] O ile zrozumiałem autora, chciałby on widzieć każdą teorię matematyczną jako badanie niezmienników pewnej grupy przekształceń. W tym sensie mówi "le groupe de la théorie déductive considérée", "toute proposition établie dans une théorie déductive exprime une propriété de certaines 'figures' qui est invariante par les transformations du groupe de la théorie" itp.