Rabin, Michael O.
Non-standard models and independence of the induction axiom
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 287-299.
[ ^ ] Twierdzenie, z którego wnioskiem jest tw. Ryll-Nardzewskiego (arithmetic is not finitely axiomatizable).
Diophantine equations and non-standard models of arithmetics
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress., edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 151-158.
[ ^ ]
Ramsey, Frank P.
The foundations of mathematics and other Logical essays
Ed. R.B. Braithwaite, Routledge & Keegan Paul, London 1931.
Rasiowa, Helena
Algebraische Charakterisierung der intuitionistischen Logik mit starker Negation
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 234-240.
[ N ]
Wstęp do matematyki współczesnej
Wydanie trzecie, PWN, Warszawa 1971.
[ D ] Wyd. pierwsze 1968.
Rasiowa, Helena, Sikorski, Roman
Formalisierte intuitionistische elementare Theorien
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 241-249.
[ N ] Reprodukcja fotooffsetowa, pierwsze wydanie 1963.
The mathematics of metamathematics
Third edition, PWN, Warszawa 1970.
[ D ] Reprodukcja fotooffsetowa, pierwsze wydanie 1963.
Readings in philosophical analysis
Readings in philosophical analysis
Edited by Herbert Feigl and Wilfrid Sellars, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York 1949.
Realism and the background of phenomenology
Realism and the background of phenomenology
Edited by Roderick M. Chisholm, The Free Press of Glencoe, Illinois, New York 1960.
Recherches sur l'abstraction réfléchissante
Recherches sur l'abstraction réfléchissante
Études d'épistémologie génétique publiées sous la direction de Jean Piaget, XXXIV-XXXV, par J. Piaget et collaborateurs. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1977.
[ [34] ]
Reference and modality
Reference and modality
Leonard Linsky (ed.), Oxford University Press, 1971.
Reichenbach, Hans
The philosophical significance of the theory of relativity
W: Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, fourth printing, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1957 (The library of living philosophers), s. 289-311.
Rein, Andrew
A note on Frege's notion of Wirklichkeit
"Mind" 91 (1982), s. 599-602.
Reinhart, Jacques (współautor)
La synthèse logique des résultats et des recherches
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 350-364.
Rescher, Nicholas
Hypothetical reasoning
Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company 1964.
Conceptual idealism
University of Pittsburgh Press 1969.
Essays in philosophical analysis
Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1973.
Resnik, Michael D.
Some observations related to Frege's way out
"Logique et Analyse", 7 (1964), s. 138-144.
Frege's theory of incomplete entities
"Philosophy of Science" 32 (1965), s. 329-341.
The context principle in Frege's philosophy
"Philosophy and Phenomenological Research" 27 (1967), s. 356-365.
"Although Frege's context principle - nur im Zusammenhange eines Satzes bedeuten die Wörter etwas - has received praise from his successors, few have offered an account of his own view of it. In this paper I will interpret Frege's principle and explain its role in his philosophy. I shall contend that Frege held the principle at the time of the Grundlagen but later gave it up. I will indicate how this fits in with the evolution of his theory of incomplete entities and his attempt to explain, by means of that theory, the unity of the thought (the proposition). Frege also used the principle in the Grundlagen to defend his recognition of abstract entities. I will argue that his defense seems mistaken. To further defend my view of Frege I will offer evidence to show that he explicitly contradicted his Grundlagen position (at least as I interpret it) in his later writings." (s.356) Warto odnotować, że Resnik zauważa, w odróżnieniu od wielu innych komentatorów Fregego, że teksty Fregego są często niejasne ("it [Grundlagen] contains many remarks and passages which are sketchy and unclear", s. 356); nawet definicja liczby jest niejasna, także stosunek Fregego do Kanta czy sama zasada kontekstowa. Zdaniem Resnika późniejsze teksty są lepsze, bardziej precyzyjne, i wobec tego, jeśli są niezgodności czy sprzeczności między pismami wcześniejszymi i późniejszymi, należy przyjąć, że Frege zmienił stanowisko. Częściowo się z tym zgadzam, choć poszedłbym dalej i twierdził, że teksty Fregego są w ogóle niejasne, a cała jego filozofia, by tak rzec, nieprofesjonalna i niedopracowana (co, nawiasem mówiąc, otworzyło drogę do recepcji niekiedy, a nawet najczęściej, całkowicie niezgodnej z tym, co jest istotą logicyzmu Fregego.
The Frege-Hilbert Controversy
"Philosophy and Phenomenological Research", vol. 34, no. 3 (1974), s. 386-403. Także w: The philosophy of Frege, a collection of essay in four volumes, edited by Hans Sluga, Garland Publishing, New York 1993, vol. 2, s. 130-147.
Frege as idealist and then realist
"Inquiry", vol. 22 (1979), s. 350-357.
Frege and the philosophy of mathematics
Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London 1980.
[ RESNIK 1980 | pF 7-9 161-234 235-239 ] Stron 244.
Recenzja z Crispin Wright, Frege's conception of numbers as objects
"The Journal of Philosophy" 81 (1984), s. 778-783.
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (1913)
"Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale" 21 (1913)
"Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale" 21 (1913). Numéro spécialement consacré à Henri Poincaré.
[ REVUE [1] ]
Reymond, Arnold
La négation et le principe du tiers exclu
W: Philosophie des mathématiques, F. Gonseth, Albert Lautman, Gustave Juvet,...[et al.], Actes du Congrès International de Philosophie Scientifique, Sorbonne (Paris) 1935, Hermann, Paris 1936, s. 62-68.
[ REYMOND [1] | = ] Praca w kontekście logiki intuicjonistycznej, nie-techniczna.
Reznikoff, Iégor
Axiomatisation indépendante des ensembles dénombrables de formules en logique intuitionniste
W: Logic and foundations of mathematics, dedicated to Prof. A. Heyting on his 70th birthday, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen 1968, s. 170-187.
[ ^ ]
Ricketts, Thomas G.
Recenzja z David Bell, Frege's theory of judgment
"The Philosophical Review" 93 (1984), s. 313-315.
[ K ]
Riquier, C.
De l'idée de nombre considérée comme fondement des sciences mathématiques
"Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale" 1 (1893), s. 346-368.
Robertson, Howard Percy
Geometry as a branch of physics
W: Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, fourth printing, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1957 (The library of living philosophers), s. 315-332.
Robinson, Abraham
On the metamathematics of algebra
North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1951.
[ ROBINSON [1] | %^ ]
Théorie métamathématique des idéaux
Collection de Logique Mathématique, Paris-Louvain 1955.
[ ROBINSON [2] | %^ ]
Complete theories
Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, t. 13., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1956.
[ ROBINSON [3] | %^ ]
Recent developments in model theory
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress., edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 60-79.
[ ROBINSON [7] | = | ^ ]
On the construction of models
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 207-217.
[ ROBINSON [8] | ^ ]
Introduction to model theory and to the metamathematics of algebra
North-Holland Publishing COmpany, Amsterdam 1963.
[ ROBINSON [4] | = | \ ]
Formalism 1964
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Jerusalem, August 1964, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1965, s. 228-246.
[ ROBINSON [10] ] Wykład formalizmu w wersji Robinsona. Autor uważa przy tym, że ujmowanie filozofii matematyki w kategoriach logicyzm - intuicjonizm - formalizm jest zbyt uproszczone; żadne rozwiązanie (z formalizmem włącznie) nie jest zadowalające.
The metaphysics of the calculus
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, Vol. 1, dited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 28-40. Także w: The philosophy of mathematics, edited by Jaakko Hintikka, Oxford University Press, London 1969, s. 153-163.
[ ROBINSON [6] | N ] W Problems in the philosophy of mathematics + dyskusja (Geach, Freudenthal, Heyting, Bar-Hillel, Bunge, Robinson), ss. 41-46.
Some thoughts on the history of mathematics
W: Logic and foundations of mathematics, dedicated to Prof. A. Heyting on his 70th birthday, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen 1968, s. 188-193.
[ ROBINSON [9] | N ]
Robinson, Julia
The undecidability of exponential Diophantine equations
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress., edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 12-13.
[ ^ ]
Robinson, Raphael M.
Binary relations as primitive notions in elementary geometry
W: The axiomatic method with special reference to geometry and physics, Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26, 1957 - January 4, 1958, edited by Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes and Alfred Tarski, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 68-85.
[ ^ ]
Rogers, Hartley jr.
The present theory of Turing machine computability
"Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", vol. 7 (1959), s. 114-130. Także w: The philosophy of mathematics, edited by Jaakko Hintikka, Oxford University Press, London 1969, s. 130-146.
Roland, Jeffrey W.
Kitcher, mathematics, and naturalism
"Australasian Journal of Philosophy" 86 (2008), s. 481-497.
"This paper argues that Philip Kitcher's epistemology of mathematics, codified in his Naturalistic Constructivism, is not naturalistic on Kitcher's own conception of naturalism. Kitcher's conception of naturalism is committed to (i) explaining the correctness of belief-regulating norms and (ii) a realist notion of truth. Naturalistic Constructivism is unable to simultaneously meet both of these commitments." (philpapers.org/browse/epistemology-of-mathematics-misc)
Rosado Haddock, Guillermo E.
Exposición crítica de la filosofía de Frege
San Juan - Santo Domingo, 1985.
A critical introduction to the philosophy of Gottlob Frege, Ashgate Publishing, 2006.
Husserl pour les philosophes analytiques
"Philosophiques", 37 (2), 2010, s. 325–348.
Platonism, phenomenology, and interderivability
W: Phenomenology and mathematics 2010, s. 23-46.
Rougier, Louis
Philosophie géometrique de Poincaré
Felix Alcan, Paris 1920.
[ ROUGIER [1] ]
Roy, Maurice
Les mathématiques et l'ingénieur
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 501-504.
[ ROY [1] ]
Royden, H. L.
Remarks on primitive notions for elementary Euclidean and non-Euclidean plane geometry
W: The axiomatic method with special reference to geometry and physics, Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26, 1957 - January 4, 1958, edited by Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes and Alfred Tarski, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 86-96.
[ ^ ]
Rozprawy logiczne
Rozprawy logiczne: ksiȩga pamiątkowa ku czci profesora Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza
PWN, Warszawa 1964.
Russell, Bertrand
Sur les axiomes de la géométrie
"Revue de la Métaphysique et de Morale" 7 (1899), s. 684-707.
The logic of relations. With some applications to the theory of series
W: Bertrand Russell, Logic and knowledge, s. 3-38.
[ ^ ] Oryg. po francusku w "Rivista di Matematica" 7 (1902), s. 115-148.
Mathematical logic as based on the theory of types
W: Bertrand Russell, Logic and knowledge, s. 59-102.
[ k | pF 64-69 | + ] Oryg. "American Journal of Mathematics" 30 (1908), s. 222-262. Powołania na Fregego: s. 84 - że Frege wprowadził pojęcie i znak asercji (przy czym Russell nie widzi różnicy między własnym a Fregeańskim pojęciem asercji), s. 66, 67 - że Frege wprowadził dystynkcję all / any (i to może być uwaga ważna, bo rzecz może mieć związek z problemem Locke'a-Berkeleya).
On the relations of universals and particulars
"Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society" 12 (1911), s. 1-24. Także w: Bertrand Russell, Logic and knowledge, s. 105-124.
On the nature of acquaintance
"The Monist" 24 (1914), s. 1-16, 161-187, 435-453. Także w: Bertrand Russell, Logic and knowledge, s. 127-174.
The philosophy of logical atomism
W: Bertrand Russell, Logic and knowledge, s. 177-281.
Oryg. "The Monist" 28 (1918), s. 495-527, 29 (1919), s. 32-63, 190-222, 345-380.
On Propositions: What They Are, and How They Mean
"Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society", Supplementary Volumes, vol. 2. (1919), s. 1-43. Także w: Bertrand Russell, Logic and knowledge, s. 285-320. Także w: Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, vol. 8, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays: 1914–1919, ed. J. G. Slater. London: Allen & Unwin, 1986, s. 276-306.
The Principles of Mathematics
George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1956.
[ RUSSELL 1903 | pF Introduction to the second edition, Preface, fragmenty tekstu, oba Appendixy. Z tekstu: rozdział I: §§38, 43, 46, 48, 51, 52, koniec 55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 65, 106, 124, 412, Rozdział LI ] First published 1903. Second edition 1937. Reprinted 1942, 1948, 1950 and 1951. Seventh impression 1956. xxxix + 534. Introduction to the second edition, s. v-xiv; Preface, s. xv-xix; Table of contents, s. xxi-xxxix (b. szczegółowy spis treści, z tytułami paragrafów, których jest łącznie 500, razem z Appendixami, w tekście tytułów nie ma). Następnie tekst: siedem części, w których 59 rozdziałow, s. 1-498; Appendix A. The logical and arithmetical doctrines of Frege, s. 501-522; Appendix B. The doctrine of types, s. 523-528; Index, s. 529-534.
Logic and knowledge
George Allen and Unwin, London, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1956.
Wstęp do filozofii matematyki
PWN, Warszawa 1958.
[ RUSSELL [1] | D ] W wydaniu polskim brak informacji, z jakiego wydania tłumaczono. Oryginalne, o ile wiem, było wydanie Introduction to mathematical philosophy, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1919 (równocześnie chyba też The Macmillan Company, New York).
History of Western Philosophy
George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1962.
[ RUSSELL 1946 | p[F] 572-576 ] First published in 1946, new edition (reset) 1961, eight impression 1962.
Russell, Bertrand (współautor)
Principia Mathematica to *56
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1964.
[ WHITEHEAD & RUSSELL 1910 ] First edition 1910, second edition 1925 (vol. 1), 1927 (vol 2,3), reprinted 1950, 1957, 1960. Abridged as Principia Mathematica to *56, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962,reprinted 1964.
Ryll-Nardzewski, Czesław
The role of the axiom of induction in elementary arithmetic
"Fundamenta Mathematicae" 39 (1952), s. 239-263.
Peano's arithmetic is not finitely axiomatizable.