
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  Ł  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Saguillo, Jose M.
Domains of sciences, universes of discourse and omega arguments
"History and Philosophy of Logic" 20 (1999), s. 267-290.
"Each science has its own domain of investigation, but one and the same science can be formalized in different languages with different universes of discourse. The concept of the domain of a science and the concept of the universe of discourse of a formalization of a science are distinct, although they often coincide in extension. In order to analyse the presuppositions and implications of choices of domain and universe, this article discusses the treatment of omega arguments in three very different formalizations of arithmetic. In Peano's formalization the domain is a restricted class of individuals, while the universe of discourse is the unrestricted class of all individuals. In Gödel's formalization the domain is a restricted class of individuals as in Peano's formalization, but the universe of discourse coincides with the domain. In Whitehead-Russell's formalization the domain is a class of logical notions in Tarski's sense, that are necessarily not individuals, whereas the universe of discourse is the unrestricted class of individuals as in Peano's formalization. The present approach emphasizes the viewpoint that the universe of discourse of a given discourse is important in determining which propositions are expressed by which sentences." (
Sainsbury, Richard M.
Departing from Frege: essays in the philosophy of language
Routledge, London 2002.
Sainte-Lagüe, André
Voyage dans la quatrième dimension
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 130-145.
Sarton, George
Henri Poincaré (1854-1912)
"Ciel et Terre", Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Astronomie", 34, 1913, Bruxelles, s. 1-11, 37-47.
[ SARTON [1] ]
Schechter, Joshua
The reliability challenge and the epistemology of logic
"Philosophical Perspectives" 24 (2100), s. 437-464.
"We think of logic as objective. We also think that we are reliable about logic. These views jointly generate a puzzle: How is it that we are reliable about logic? How is it that our logical beliefs match an objective domain of logical fact? This is an instance of a more general challenge to explain our reliability about a priori domains. In this paper, I argue that the nature of this challenge has not been properly understood. I explicate the challenge both in general and for the particular case of logic. I also argue that two seemingly attractive responses – appealing to a faculty of rational insight or to the nature of concept possession – are incapable of answering the challenge." (
Scherer, René (współautor)
Husserl: sa vie, son oeyvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1964.
Autorzy: Lothar Kelkel, René Scherer.
Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott
Formal logic: a scientific and social problem
Macmillan & Co., London 1912.
Schirn, Matthias
Identität und Identitätsaussage bei Frege
W: Studien zu Frege / Studies on Frege, Matthias Schirn (hrsg.), Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1976, t. 2, s. 181-215.
Recenzja z: Michael Dummett, The interpretation of Frege's philosophy
"Erkenntnis" 20 (1983), s. 243-251.
Sluga über Freges These der Priorität vom Urteilen gegenüber Begriffen
"Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie", 66 (1984), s. 194-215.
Recenzja z: Wolfgang Carl, Sinn und Bedeutung
"Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie" 68 (1986), s. 333-339.
[ K ]
Schlick, Moritz
Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre
Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin 1918.
2. Auflage 1925.
Schmit, Roger
Recenzja z J. N. Mohanty, Husserl and Frege
"Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie" 68 (1986), s. 330-333.
Schneider, Hans J.
Zur Unterscheidung von Begriff und Gegenstand bei Frege
W: Frege und die moderne Grundlagenforschung, Symposium, gehalten in Bad Homburg im Dezember 1973, herausgegeben von Christian Thiel, Verlag Anton Hain, Meisenheim am Glan 1975, s. 111-118.
Schneider, Ilse
Das Raum-Zeit-Problem bei Kant und Einstein
J. Springer, Berlin 1921.
Schoenflies, Arthur Moritz
Über die logischen Paradoxien der Mengenlehre
"Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung" 15 (1906), s. 19-25.
Scholz, Heinrich
Die Axiomatik der Alten
"Blätter für deutsche Philosophie" 4 (1930-1931), s. 259-278. Także w Heinrich Scholz, Mathesis universalis, s. 27-44.
Über das Cogito, ergo sum
"Kantstudien" 36 (1931), s. 126-147. Także w Heinrich Scholz, Mathesis universalis, s. 75-94.
Geschichte der Logik
Junker und Dünnhaupt, Berlin 1931.
Drugie wydanie: Abriss der Geschichte der Logik, 2. unveränd. Aufl., Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg-München 1959.
Sprechen und Denken
"Organon" 3 (1939), s. 1-30.
[ SCHOLZ 1939 | F ]
Was ist Philosophie?
"Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie" 33 (1939/40), s. 1-55. Także w: Heinrich Scholz, Mathesis universlis, s. 341-387.
[ SCHOLZ 1940 ] Erweiterte Niederschrift zweier Vorträge, die am 5. und 12. Nov. 1939 in Rahmen der Kulturveranstaltungen der Volksbildungsstätte Mülheim/Ruhr in der Stadthalle gehalten worden sind. Die Abhandlung erschien als Heft 1 der Frege-Studien (Schriften zur Grundllagenforschung und zur Geschichte der Logik, hrsg. von J. von Kempski) 1940, ferner im "Archiv für Rechts- und Sozial-Philosophie" 33 (1939/40), w. 1-55. W bibliografii w Mathesis universalis dane: Berlin-Wien 1940. 55 S. (Frege-Studium 1.). Ausserdem in: "Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie" 33 (1939/40), s. 1-55. "Erste und letzte", tj. der platonische Philosophiebegriff (s. 341-358) oraz die neue Grundlagenforschung (s. 358-387).
Mathesis universalis
Herausgegeben von Hans Hermes, Friedrich Kambartel, Joachim Ritter. Benno Schwabe & Co Verlag, Basel / Stuttgart 1961.
[ SCHOLZ 1961 ] Vorwort, trzy części (Ritter, s. 7-16, Hermes, s. 16-21, Kambartel, s. 21-23); od s. 27 do 436 17 rozpraw Scholza; s. 439-452 Anmerkungen der Herausgeber; s. 453-470 bibliografia Scholza; s. 471-483 indeksy.
Zarys historii logiki
PWN, Warszawa 1965.
Przekład z: Heinrich Scholz, Abriss der Geschichte der Logik, 1959.
Scholz, Heinrich, Bachmann, Friedrich
Der wissenschaftliche Nachlass von Gottlob Frege
"Actes du Congrès International de Philosophie Scientifique", Paris 1935", Hermann, Paris 1936, Extrait, s. viii.1-viii.7.
[ SCHOLZ & BACHMANN 1936, [94] | F ] Podaje się też dane "Actes ..." VIII (1936), s. 24-30.
Scholz, Heinrich, Hasenjaeger, Gisbert
Grundzüge der mathematische Logik
Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Göttingen-Heidelberg 1961.
[ SCHOLZ & HASENJAEGER 1961, [165] | pF v-ix 1-13 490-494 ] Stron xvi + 504.
Scholz, Heinrich, (współautor)
Die Grundlagenkrisis der griechischen Mathematik
Pan-Verlag, Berlin 1928. Także "Kantstudien" 33 (1928), s. 4-72.
[ SCHOLZ & HASSE 1928 ] Autorzy: Helmut Hasse, Heinrich Scholz.
Schottler, Sven
Frege's anonymous opponent in 'Die Verneinung'
"History and Philosophy of Logic" 27 (2006), no.1, s. 43-58.
Schrecker, Paul
Leibniz et le principe du tiers exclu
W: Philosophie des mathématiques, F. Gonseth, Albert Lautman, Gustave Juvet,...[et al.], Actes du Congrès International de Philosophie Scientifique, Sorbonne (Paris) 1935, Hermann, Paris 1936, s. 75-84.
Schröder, Ernst
Recenzja z Gottlob Frege, Begriffsschrift
"Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik", 25 (1880), s. 81-94.
Przedruk w: Gottlob Frege, Conceptual Notation and Related Articles, translated and edited, with a Biography and Introduction by Terrell Ward Bynum, Oxford, at the Clarendon Press 1972 (na odwrocie strony tytułowej Oxford University Press 1972), s. 218-232.
Schwabhäuser, Wolfram
On completeness, decidability, and non-definability of some notions of elementary hyperbolic geometry
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress., edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 159-167.
[ = | ^ ]
Schwartz, H. M.
A note on Poincaré's contribution to relativity
"American Journal of Physics", Volume 33, Issue 2, 1965, s. 170.
[ SCHWARTZ, H. M. [1] ]
Schwartz, Jack
The pernicious influence of mathematics on science
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 356-360.
[ SCHWARTZ, J. [1] | F ]
Schwartz, Laurent
L'oeuvre de Poincaré: équations différentielles de la physique
W: Le livre du centenaire de la naissance de Henri Poincaré 1854-1954, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1955, s. 219-225.
[ SCHWARTZ, L. [1] ]
Scientific explanation, space, and time
Scientific explanation, wpace, and time
Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. University of Minnesota Press, 1962.
[ FEIGL & MAXWELL 1962 ]
Scott, Dana
Dimension in elementary Euclidean geometry
W: The axiomatic method with special reference to geometry and physics, Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26, 1957 - January 4, 1958, edited by Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes and Alfred Tarski, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 53-67
[ ^ ]
More on the axiom of extensionality
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 115-131.
[ ^ ]
Quine's individuals
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 111-115.
[ ^ ]
Extending the topological interpretation to intuitionistic analysis
W: Logic and foundations of mathematics, dedicated to Prof. A. Heyting on his 70th birthday, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen 1968, s. 194-210.
[ ^ ]
Seagrim, G. N. (wsółautor)
L'épistémologie de l'espace
Études d'épistémologie génétique, publiées sous la direction de Jean Piaget. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1964.
[ ÉTUDES XVIII 1964 ] Autorzy: Vinh Bang, Pierre Gréco, Jean-Blaise Grize, Yvette Hatwell, Jean Piaget, G. N. Seagrim, Eliane Vurpillot.
Searle, John R.
Russell's objections to Frege's theory of sense and reference
"Analysis" 18 (1958), s. 137-143.
Także w: Essays on Frege, edited by E. D. Klemke, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, London 1968, s. 337-345.
Proper names
"Mind", 67 (1958), s. 166-173. Także w: Philosophical logic, P. F. Strawson (ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford 1967, s. 89-96.
[ = ]
Czynności mowy
Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, Warszawa 1987.
[ D ] Oryg. Speech acts. An essay in the philosophy of language, Cambridge University Press 1966.
Sellars, Wilfrid
The paradox of analysis: a neo-Fregean approach
"Analysis" 24 (1964), Supplement, s. 84-98.
Some remarks on Kant's theory of experience
"Journal of Philosophy" 64 (1967), s. 633-47.
Semantics and the philosophy of language
Semantics and the Philosophy of Language
Leonard Linsky (ed.), University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1952.
Semantics of natural language
Semantics of natural language
Donald Davidson and Gilbert Harman (eds.), D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht 1972.
Servien, Pius
Hasard et mathématiques
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948. , s. 216-220.
[ SERVIEN [1] ]
Shapiro, Stewart
Conservativeness and Incompleteness
"Journal of Philosophy", 80 (1983), s. 521–531.
Foundations without Foundationalism: A Case for Second-order Logic
Clarendon Press, Oxford 1991.
Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology
Clarendon Press, Oxford 1997.
Thinking about Mathematics
Clarendon Press, Oxford 2000.
Shapiro, Stewart (ed.)
2007 The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
Edited by Stewat Shapiro, Oxford University Press 2007.
Shields, Margaret C.
Bibliography of the writings of Albert Einstein to may 1951
Compiled by Margaret C. Shields. W: Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, fourth printing, Tudor Publishing Company, New York 1957 (The library of living philosophers), s. 691-758.
[ SHIELDS [1] | N ] Bardzo dokładna bibliografia obejmująca również przekłady; "scientific writings" do r. 1949 obejmują 309 pozycji. Zdarzają się błędy drukarskie.
Shoenfield, J. R.
The problem of predicativity
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 132-139.
[ ^ ]
Some applications of degrees
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 56-59.
[ ^ ]
Shoenfield, J. R. (współautor)
Partial recursive functionals and effective operations
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 290-297.
[ ^ ] Autorzy: Georg Kreisel, Daniel Lacombe, J. R. Shoenfield.
Sierpiński, Wacław
Sur les ensembles raréfiés de nombres naturels
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 300-303.
[ ^ ]
Arytmetyka teoretyczna
Przy współudziale Jerzego Łosia. Wydanie trzecie niezmienione, PWN, Warszawa 1966.
Wydanie niezmienione w stosunku do drugiego, ale zmienione w stosunku do pierwszego (1959).
Sigwart, Christoph von
Bd. I. Die Lehre vom Urtheil, vom Begriff und vom Schluss, J. C. B. Mohr, Freiburg 1873. Bd. II. J. C. B. Mohr, Die Methodenlehre, Freiburg 1878.
Wyd. 2. (2. durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage) 1889-1893, wyd. 3. 1904, wyd. 4. 1911, wyd. 4 1924.
Sikorski, Roman
Der Heytingsche Prädikatenkalkül und metrische Räume
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 250-253.
[ ^ ]
Sikorski, Roman (współautor)
Formalisierte intuitionistische elementare Theorien
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 241-249.
[ N ] Autorzy: Helena Rasiowa, Roman Sikorski.
The mathematics of metamathematics
Third edition, PWN, Warszawa 1970.
[ D ] Autorzy: Helena Rasiowa, Roman Sikorski. Reprodukcja fotooffsetowa, pierwsze wydanie 1963.
Simons, Peter M.
Recenzja z J. N. Mohanty, Husserl and Frege
"The Philosophical Quarterly" 34 (1984), s. 420-422.
Singh, Jagjit
Mathematical ideas, their nature and use
Hutchinson and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., London 1959.
Sittignani, Maria Giovanna
La verità scientifica secondo Henri Poincaré
"Atti del V congresso internazionale di filosofia" (Napoli, 1924), Perrella, Napoli 1925.
Skolem, Thoralf
The logical nature of arithmetic
"Synthese", 9 (1955), s. 375–84.
Interpretation of mathematical theories in the first order predicate calculus
W: Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 218-225.
[ ^ ]
Skorupski, John
Dummett's Frege
"The Philosophical Quarterly" 34 (1984), s. 402-414.
Re: The interpretation of Frege's Philosophy MIchaela Dummetta.
Sluga, Hans D.
Frege und die Typentheorie
W: Logik und Logikkalkül, hrsg. von Max Käsbauer und Franz von Kutschera, Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg und München, 1962, s. 195-209.
Recenzja z Essays on Frege
"Philosophy", vol. 45 (1970), No. 17, s. 75.
Frege as a rationalist
W: Studien zu Frege / Studies on Frege, Matthias Schirn (hrsg.), Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1976, t. I, s. 27-47.
Gottlob Frege
Routledge & Kehan Paul, London, Boston and Henley 1980.
[ K ]
Smith, David Woodruff, McIntyre, Ronald
Husserl and intentionality. A study of mind, meaning, and language
D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster 1984.
[ k | pF ix-x, xiii-xviii, 1-40, 61-82, 85-86, 87-226, 227, 266-267, 278-295, 306-307, 308-309, 316-353, 354, 407-415 ] First published in 1982 Reidel, "Synthese Library", vol. 154.
Smullyan, Raymond M.
Languages in which self reference is possible
"The Journal of Symbolic Logic" 22 (1957), s. 55-67.
[ ^ ] Także w: The philosophy of mathematics, edited by Jaakko Hintikka, Oxford University Press, London 1969, s. 64-77.
Sobociński, Bolesław
Z badań bad prototetyką
"Collectanea logica", t. 1, Warszawa 1939, s. 171-176.
[ ^ ] Przekład ang. autora ukazał się jako nr. 5 "Cahiers de l'Institut d'Etudes polonaises en Belgique (Brussels, 1949). Przekład Z. Jordana w: Polish logic 1920–1939, edited by Storrs McCall, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1966, Oxford University Press, Toronto 1967, s. 201-206, jako An investigation of protothetic.
In memoriam Jan Łukasiewicz (1878-1956)
"Philosophical Studies" 6 (1956), s. 3-49.
[ SOBOCIŃSKI 1956 | F ] Offprint from volume VI (December, 1956) of Philosophical Studies (Ireland), Maynooth 1956.
Sommers, Fred
Types and ontology
"The Philosophical Review" 72 (1963), s. 327-363.
On a Fregean dogma
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, Vol. 1, edited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 47-62.
[ SOMMERS [1] ] Tekst autora s. 47-62 + Discussion (Kalmár, Dummett, Lejewski, Quine, Sommers), s. 63-81. Problem interpretacji zdań ogólnych - czy muszą być przekładalne na zdania z kwantyfikatorem; Sommers, wbrew Fregemu ("Fregean dogma) uważa, że nie i wobec tego general i singular statements nie muszą się różnić co do formy logicznej.
The logic of natural language
Oxford University Press, New York 1982.
Spaier, A.
La pensée concrète: essai sur le symbolisme intellectuel
Félix Alcan, Paris 1927.
La pensée et la quantité: essai sur la signification et la réalité des grandeurs
Félix Alcan, Paris 1927.
Specker, Ernst
Der Satz vom Maximum in der rekursiven Analysis
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 254-265.
[ = | ^ ]
Typical ambiguity
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 116-124.
[ ^ ]
Speiser, Andreas
La notion de groupe et les arts
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 475-479.
[ SPEISER [1] ]
Staal, J. F.
Bibliography of E. W. Beth
W: E. W. Beth Memorial Colloquium, Logic and Foundations of Science, Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré, 19-21 May, 1964, edited by Jean-Louis Destouches, Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland 1968, s. 121-137.
[ STAAL [1] | N ]
Stanosz, Barbara (wyd.)
Empiryzm współczesny
Teksty wybrała, oprac. i wstępem poprzedziła Barbara Stanosz. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1991.
Staschok, Mireille
Non-traditional squares of predication and quantification
"Logica Universalis" 2 (2008), s. 77-85.
"Three logical squares of predication or quantification, which one can even extend to logical hexagons, will be presented and analyzed. All three squares are based on ideas of the non-traditional theory of predication developed by Sinowjew and Wessel. The authors also designed a non-traditional theory of quantification. It will be shown that this theory is superfluous, since it is based on an obscure difference between two kinds of quantification and one pays a high price for differentiating in this way: losing the definability between the existence- and all-quantifier. Therefore, a combination of non-traditional predication and classical quantification is preferred here." (
Stegmüller, Wolfgang
Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy
D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland / Boston-USA, vol. 1-2, 1977.
[ pF ]
Language and logic
W: Wolfgang Stegmüller, Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy, t.2, s. 203-240.
[ F ] Oryg. Sprache und Logik, "Studium Generale" 9 (1956), s. 57-77.
Ontology and analyticity
W: Wolfgang Stegmüller, Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy, t. 1, s. 213-238.
[ [38] | F ] Oryg. Ontologie und Analytizität, "Studia Philosophica" 16 (1957), s. 191-223.
The problem of universals then and now
W: Wolfgang Stegmüller, Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy, t. 1, s. 1-65.
[ [36], [39] | F ] Oryg. Das Universalienproblem einst und jetzt, "Archiv für Philosophie" 6 (1956), s. 192-225 i 7 ( (1957), s. 45-81.
Towards a rational reconstruction
W: Wolfgang Stegmüller, Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy. t. 1, s. 66-136.
[ pF 66-71 74-75 81-84 96-97 (przypisy) ] Oryg. Gedanken über eine mögliche Rekonstruktion von Kants Metaphysik der Erfahrung. I: Kants Rätsel der Erfahrungserkenntnis (German-English), "Ratio" 9 (1967), s. 1-30, w Collected papers, t. 1 Kant's riddle of experience - rozdział II, cz. 1; II: Die Struktur des progressiven Argumentes (German-English), "Ratio" 10 (1968), s. 1-31, w Collected papers, t. 1 The logical structure of the progressive argument - rozdział II, cz. II.
Phenomenalism and its difficulties
W: Wolfgang Stegmüller, Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy, t. 1, s. 154-212.
[ pF 202-205 212 ] Oryg. Der Phänomenalismus und seine Schwierigkeiten, "Archiv für Philosophie" 8 (1958), s. 36-100. W Cllected papers, t. 1 - rozdział IV. Z Preface, s. ix: "... H. Reichenbach's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanism serves as a point of departure for describing the Reductionistic Program of Phenomenalism. The seemingly insurmontable difficulties blocking a realisation of this program are discussed in detail."
Remarks on the completeness of logical systems
W: Wolfgang Stegmüller, Collected papers on epistemology, philosophy of science and history of philosophy, t. 2, s. 241-277.
[ pF 241-243 277 ] Oryg. "Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic" 5 (1964), s. 81-112.
Steiner, Mark
Platonism and the causal theory of knowledge
"The Journal of Philosophy" 70 (1973), s. 57-66.
Mathematical knowledge
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1975.
Mathematics, explanation, and scientific knowledge
"Noûs" 12 (1978), s. 17-28.
Recenzja z: Philip Kitcher, The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge
"The Journal of Philosophy" 81 (1984), s. 449-456.
[ K ]
The applicability of mathematics as a philosophical problem
Harvard University Press, 1998.
Steinhaus, Hugo
Kalejdoskop matematyczny
Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych, Warszawa 1954.
O ścislości matematycznej
"Matematyka" 3 (1958), s. 1-11.
Sternfeld, Robert
Frege's achievements and literal scientific discourse
"Revue Internationale de Philosophie" 130 (1979), s. 723-738.
Frege's logical theory
Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale 1966.
Studien zu Frege / Studies on Frege
Studien zu Frege / Studies on Frege
Matthias Schirn (Hrsg.), Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1976.
[ SCHIRN ed. 1976 ] 3 tomy: 1. Logik und Philosophie der Mathematik. 2. Logik und Sprachphilosophie. 3. Logik und Semantik.
Suppes, Patrick
Introduction to logic
D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, New York 1957.
A comparison of the meaning and uses of models in mathematics and the empirical sciences
"Synthese" 12 (1960), s. 287-301.
Models of data
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 252-261.
[ F ]
Studies in the methodology and foundations of science
Selected papers from 1951 to 1969. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht 1969.
Suszko, Roman
Formal logic and the development of knowledge
W: Problems in the philosophy of science, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, Vol. 3, edited by I. Lakatos and A. E. Musgrave., University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1968, s. 210-222; Suszko's reply to W. V. Quine and J. Giedymin's discussion notes: pp. 227-230.
Szabó, Árpád
Greek dialectic and Euclid's axiomatic
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965. Vol. 1, edited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 1-8.
[ SZABÓ [1] | N ] W Problems in the Philosophy of Mathematics + dyskusja (Kneale, Kalmar, Robinson, Lucas, Bernays, Whitrow, Popper, Szabó), s. 9-27.
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