
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  Ł  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Kahan, Théo
Hasard et physique. La science a-t-elle changé de base mathématique?
W: Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique, présentés par F. Le Lionnais, Cahiers du Sud, 1948, s. 422-433.
[ KAHAN [1] | N ]
Kalmár, László
Foundations of mathematics - whither now?
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965. Vol. 1, edited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 187-194.
[ KALMÁR [1] ] Tekst s. 187-194 + Discussion (Heyting, Kleene, Bernays, Bar-Hillel, Lakatos, Kalmár), s. 195-207. Empirical foundations of mathematics.
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Zum Unitätsproblem der Physik
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Formales und inhaltliches Sprechen
W: Das Problem der Sprache, 8. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Heidelberg 1966, hrsg. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wilhelm Fink, München 1967, s. 293-312.
Frege und die axiomatische Methode. Zur Kritik mathematikhistorischer Legitimationsversuche der formalistischen Ideologie
W: Frege und die moderne Grundlagenforschung, Symposium, gehalten in Bad Homburg im Dezember 1973. Herausgegeben von Christian Thiel, Verlag Anton Hain, Meisenheim am Glan 1975, s. 77-89.
[ D ]
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An improved definition of 'theoretical in a given theory
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Krytyka czystego rozumu
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Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki, która będzie mogła wystąpić jako nauka
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Kant's philosophy of mathematics
Kant's philosophy of mathematics
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Stron x + 370.
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Foundations of intensional logic
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How to Russell a Frege-Church
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Mathematics and the imagination
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A philosophy of mathematics
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The theory of semantic representation
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Das Unendliche in der Mathematik und seine Ausschaltung
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Über Sinn, Bedeutung und Wahrheitswert der Sätze
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Some applications of the theory of models to set theory
Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress., edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 80-86.
[ KEISLER [1] | = ^ ]
Keisler, H. Jerome (współautor)
Model theory
Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, volume 73. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo 1973.
Kelkel, Lothar, Scherer, René
Husserl: sa vie, son oeuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1964.
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Systematic power
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Kenny, Anthony
Pn reduction
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Frege: an introduction to the founder of modern analytic philosophy
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System einer Theorie der Grenzbegriffe. Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnistheorie. Erster Theil
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Wydana była tylko część pierwsza.
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Frege on Concepts
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New philosophies of science in the USA
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Kitcher, Patricia
Kant's parallogisms
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Kitcher, Philip
Kant and foundations of mathematics
W: Kant's philosophy of mathematics, Carl J. Posy, editor. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1992, s. 109-131.
Oryg. w "The Philosophical Review" 84 (1975).
Frege's epistemology
"The Philosophical Review" 88 (1979), s. 235-262.
[ K ]
The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge
Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 1983.
Stron ix + 287.
Frege, Dedekind, and the philosophy of mathematics
W: Frege synthesized, ed. by Leila Haaparanta and Jaakko Hintikka, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht 1986, s. 299-343. Także w: The philosophy of Frege, a collection of essay in four volumes, edited by Hans Sluga, Garland Publishing, New York 1993, vol. 2, s. 355-399.
Kleene, Stephen Cole
Countable functionals
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 81-100.
[ KLEENE [4] | = | ^ ]
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 285-289.
[ KLEENE [5] | = | ^ ]
Turing-machine computable functionals of finite types 1
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress., edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 38-45.
[ KLEENE [3] ]
Mathematical logic
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, London, Sydney 1967.
[ [53] ]
Kleene, Stephen Cole, Vesley, R. E.
The foundations of intuitionistic mathematics, especially in relation to recursive functions
North-Holland Publishing Company, Amstersam 1965.
[ KLEENE, VeSLEY [1] | ^ ]
Klein, Felix
Über die sogenannte nicht-Euklidische Geometrie
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Vergleichende Betrachtungen über neuere geometrische Forschungen
A. Deichert, Erlangen 1872.
Klein, Jacob
Phenomenology and the history of science
W: Philosophical studies in memory of Edmund Husserl, edited by Marvin Farber, Greenwood Press, New York 1968.
Klemke, E. D.
Professor Bergmann and Frege's hidden nominalism
"The Philosophical Review" 4 (1968), s. 507-514.
Także w Essays on Frege, edited by E. D. Klemke, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, London 1968, s. 68-76.
Frege's philosophy of logic
"Revue Internationale de Philosophie" 130 (1979), s. 666-693.
Kline, Morris
Mathematics. The Loss of Certrainty
Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Melbourne, 1980
Kluge, Eike-Henner W.
W: Gottlob Frege, On the foundations of geometry and formal theories of arithmetic, translated and with an introduction by Eike-Henner W. Kluge, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1971, s. xi-xlii.
Freges Begriff des Logischeinfachen
W: Studien zu Frege / Studies on Frege, Matthias Schirn (Hrsg.), Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1976, Bd. 2., s. 51-66.
Frege, Leibniz et alii
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[ KLUGE 1980 | F (41-229)+(291-296) ]
Kmita, Jerzy
Szkice z teorii poznania naukowego
PWN, Warszawa 1976.
Słowo wstępne
W: Karl R. Popper, Logika odkrycia naukowego, PWN, Warszawa 1977, s. 11-19.
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The development of logic
Oxford University Press, London 1962.
Kneale, Martha (współautor)
The development of logic
Oxford University Press, London 1962.
Autorzy: William C. Kneale, Martha Kneale.
Kneale, William
Gottlob Frege and mathematical logic
W: The revolution in philosophy, with an introduction by Gilbert Ryle, Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1956, s. 26-40.
Kockelmans, Joseph J.
Reflections on Lakatos' methodology of scientific research programs
W: The structure and development of science, edited by Gerard Radnitzky, Gunnar Andersson, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland 1979, s. 187-203.
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Filozofia nieinterwencji. Głos w dyskusji nad radykalnym konwencjonalizmem
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Filozofia pozytywistyczna. Od Hume'a do Koła Wiedeńskiego
PWN, Warszawa 1966.
O co nas pytają wielcy filozofowie. Seria I
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Czy Pan Bóg jest szczęśliwy i inne pytania
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On prescribing description
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Feyerabend and radical meaning variance
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Objectivity, scientific change, and self-reference
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The comparability of scientific theories
"The Philosophy of Science" 38 (1971), s. 467-485.
Scientific transitions, meaning invariance, and derivability
"The Southern Journal of Philosophy" 9 (1971), s.119-125.
The theory-ladeness of observations
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Observational invariance
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Discovery and justification
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Elementy teorii poznania, logiki formalnej i metodologii nauk
Ossolineum 1961
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Études galiléennes
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Études d’histoire de la pensée scientifique
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Także 1973, 1985, 1992
Körner, Stephan
The philosophy of mathematics. An introductory essay
Hutchinson Univ. Libr., London 1960.
On the relevance of post-gödelian mathematics to philosophy
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, Vol. 1. Edited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 118-132.
[ KÖRNER [2] | F ] W Problems in the Philosophy of Mathematics strony 118-132 + Duscussion (Müller, Bar-Hillel, Körner), s. 133-137.
Kreisel, Georg
Interpretation of analysis by means of constructive functionals of finite types
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 101-128.
[ KREISEL [5] ]
Mathematical significance of consistency proofs
"Journal of Symbolic Logic" 23 (1958), s. 155-182.
Foundations of intuitionistic logic
W: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, Alfred Tarski, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, s. 198-210.
[ KREISEL [1] | F ]
Hilbert's programme
W: Philosophy of mathematics, selected readings, edited and with an introduction by Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1964, s. 157-180.
[ KREISEL [2] | F ] Oryg. (nieco inna wersja) w: "Dialectica" 12, 1958, s. 346-372.
Informal rigour and completeness proofs
W: Problems in the philosophy of mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London 1965, Vol. 1. Edited by I. Lakatos, University of London, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam 1967, s. 138-171.
[ KREISEL [3] ] Strony 138-171 + Discussion (Bar-Hillel, Heyting, Myhill, Kreisel), s. 172-186.
Lawless sequences of natural numbers
W: Logic and foundations of mathematics, dedicated to Prof. A. Heyting on his 70th birthday, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen 1968, s. 222-248.
[ KREISEL [6] ]
Some facts from the theory of proofs and some fictions from general proof theory
W: Essays on mathematical and philosophical logic, Proceedings of the fourth scandinavian logic symposium and of the first soviet-finnish logic conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 29-July 6, 1976, edited by Jaakko Hintikka, Ilkka Niiniluoto, and Esa Saarinen. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston-London 1979, s. 3-23.
Kreisel, Georg, Lacombe, Daniel, Shoenfield, J. R.
Partial recursive functionals and effective operations
W: Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Constructivity in Mathematics" (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1957), edited by Arend Heyting, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, s. 290-297.
[ ^ ]
Kripke, Saul
Outline of a theory of truth
"Journal of Philosophy" 72 (1975), s. 690-716.
Naming and necessity
Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts) 1980.
Wyd. drugie.
Księga pamiątkowa ku uczczeniu dwudziestopięcioletniej działalności nauczycielskiej na katedrze filozofii w Uniwersytecie Lwowskim Kazimierza Twardowskiego
Księga pamiątkowa ku uczczeniu dwudziestopięcioletniej działalności nauczycielskiej na katedrze filozofii w Uniwersytecie Lwowskim Kazimierza Twardowskiego
Lwów 1921.
[ KSIĘGA PAMIĄTKOWA 1921 ] = "Przegląd Filozoficzny" 23 (1920).
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Les notions de causalité dans le développement de la physique
W: Les théories de la causalité, Études d'épistémologie génétique sous la direction de Jean Piaget, tom 25, P.U.F., Paris 1971, s. 7-18.
Küng, Guido
Ontology and the logistic analysis of language
Revised edition. Translated from the German by E. C. M. Mays, and revised by the author. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland 1967.
[ F (66-187)+(188-200)] Oryg. Ontologie und logistische Analyse der Sprache, Springer-Verlag, Wien 1963.
Recenzja z J. N. Mohanty, Husserl and Frege
"Philosophy and Phenomenological Research" 46 (1985-1986), s. 344-348.
[ K ]
Kuntze, Friedrich
Zum Gedächtnis an Henri Poincaré
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[ KUNTZE [1] ]
Kuratowski, Kazimierz
Über eine geometrische Auffassung der Logistik
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Por. Kazimierz Kuratowski, Alfred Tarski, Les opérations logiques et les ensembles projectives.
Wstęp do teorii mnogości i topologii
Wydanie drugie, zmienione. PWN, Warszawa 1962.
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Teoria mnogości
Wydanie drugie rozszerzone. PWN, Warszawa 1966.
[ D ]
Kuratowski, Kazimierz, Tarski, Alfred
Les opérations logiques et les ensembles projectives
"Fundamenta Mathematica" 17 (1931), s. 240-248.
Pod tytułem Logical operations and projective sets w Alfred Tarski, Logic, semantics, metamathematics, s. 143-151. Główne rezultaty były przedstawione przez autorów w PTM, Lwów, w dwóch odczytach z 1920. Streszczenia tych odczytów, zob. Kazimierz Kuratowski, Über eine geometrische Auffassung der Logistik i Alfred Tarski, Über definierbare Mengen reeller Zahlen.
Kurepa, G.
On rank-decreasing functions
Essays on the foundations of mathematics, dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel, on his seventieth anniversary, edited by Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, and A. Robinson, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1962, s. 248-258.
[ ^ ]
Kusch, Martin
2015 Psychologism. A case study in the sociology of philosophical knowledge
Routledge, London and New York, 1995.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .
Kutschera, Franz von
Gottlob Frege. Eine Einführung in sein Werk
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York 1989.
Kuyk, Willem
Complementarity in mathematics: A first introduction to the foundations of mathematics and its history
D. Reidel Pub. Co. (Dordrecht, Holland and Boston and Hingham, Mass.) 1977.